Thromboxane B2 gingival fluid concentration in dentogingival junction zone microcirculation disorders.

HERELYUK V. (Ivano-Frankivsk, Medical Academy, Ukraine)

Mental stress was reproduced in 10 patients after stomatological examination and gingival fluid analysing by oral calculation method under the time deficit, obstacles, criticism, sound and light irritation. Gingival fluid was analysed again after 30 minutes of mental stress to determine the concentration of thromboxane B2 by radioimmune method. Simultaneously the dentogingival junction zone mucous membrane bioptats were taken for electron microscopy.

We determined that thromboxane B2 concentration in gingival fluid statistically and reliably increases after mental stress. The electron microscopy shows the constriction of arteriols, endotheliocytes swolling, platelets adhesion and aggregation. Platelets secretion of serotonin and thromboxane A2 is proved by their viscous metamorphosis.

Conclusion: dentogingival junction zone microcirculation disorders in mental stress leads to thromboxane B2 concentration increase in gingival fluid.